Welcome to the Mindful Touch Therapy

  • Seattle, WA, United States
  • Everyday 9:00am to 10:00pm

What to expect

Here are the steps to expect during a mobile massage session:


1. Scheduling and Confirmation:

Contact our mobile massage service and schedule an appointment at a time and location convenient for you. Confirm the details of the appointment, including the duration of the session, specific massage techniques requested, and any special considerations or preferences you may have.


  2. 2. Preparation:
  3. Clear a space in your home or chosen location where the massage will take place. Ensure there is enough room for the therapist to set up a portable massage table or chair. Create a calm and relaxing atmosphere by adjusting lighting, playing soft music, and, if desired, using aromatherapy scents.

  1. 3. Arrival of the Therapist:
  2. The massage therapist will arrive at the designated time, bringing along all the necessary equipment, including a massage table, clean linens, massage oils or lotions, and any additional tools or accessories required.

  1.  4. Consultation:
  2. The therapist will have a brief discussion with you to understand your specific needs, any areas of concern, and your preferred massage techniques and pressure levels. Share any relevant health information or conditions that the therapist should be aware of, as this will help them customize the session to ensure your safety and comfort.

  1. 5. Set-up:
  2. The therapist will set up the massage table in the designated area, ensuring it is stable and secure. They will provide you with privacy to undress to your comfort level. Typically, you will be asked to undress to your comfort level.

  1. 6. Massage Session:
  2. Once you are ready, the therapist will begin the massage session, employing various techniques and pressures based on your preferences and needs. The therapist will use massage oils or lotions to reduce friction and enhance the smoothness of their movements. They will work on different areas of your body, focusing on relieving tension, promoting relaxation, and addressing any specific concerns you discussed during the consultation.

  1. 7. Communication: Throughout the session, feel free to communicate with the therapist regarding the pressure, any discomfort, or any modifications you may require. The therapist will also check in with you periodically to ensure your comfort and satisfaction with the massage.

  1. 8. Conclusion:
  2. Once the massage is complete, the therapist will give you a few moments to rest and enjoy the post-massage benefits. They will provide any post-massage care instructions, such as drinking water, stretching, or avoiding certain activities. The therapist will discreetly pack up their equipment and tidy the area, respecting your privacy.


  2. 9. Payment and Feedback:
  3. Complete the payment process as agreed upon with the mobile massage service provider.
  • If desired, provide feedback to the therapist or the service provider about your experience, helping them enhance their services and address any concerns.

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